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asking a phone caller’s name
询问来电者的名字  detail>>
asking what the caller wants
询问来电者有何需求  detail>>
caller id phone
来电显示电话  detail>>
putting a phone caller on hold
请来电者不要挂断  detail>>
asking for a person by name
道出接听人姓名  detail>>
asking for name card
索要名片  detail>>
asking sb’s name and responses
问姓名与应答  detail>>
asking somebody s name
询问某人的姓名  detail>>
asking someone’s name
询问姓名  detail>>
name address phone fax
姓名地址电话传真  detail>>
 n.  呼唤者;招请者;召集者;访问者,来访者;打电话者。  短语和例子   caller 2 &...  detail>>
 n.  问;请求。 asking price (讨价还价的)要价。 for the asking 只要索取,就免费供给 (You may have it [It is ...  detail>>
comb. f. 声音,说话: telephone, microphone.  detail>>
by phone
打电话  detail>>
on the phone
通过电话交谈 用电话交谈;在通话 在电话(中) 在电话里 在听电话 在通电话 正在打电话  detail>>
 n.  〔口语〕电话;电话机 〔telephone 之略〕。 hang up the phone 挂起电话(机)。 A phone for you. 你有一个电话。 S...  detail>>
phone in
phone-in 烽烟节目 叩应节目  detail>>
phone to
phone转移 转移到国内固话和手机  detail>>